Seasonal Fruits All Year Round

Thinking about what to do for the land.
Encouragement for organic farming is a good choice


In 2017, due to health concerns, Hermes-Epitek decided to stop providing sugary drinks, and instead twice a week during the afternoon, fruit is bought for employees to enjoy.

The purchase of fruits provided for employees is a very simple task. Consider costs, ensure a stable supply, streamline the operation, and that was it.

In 2018, Hermes-Epitek colleagues searched everywhere and finally decided to collaborate with four farmers who insist on using eco-friendly farming methods in Dongshan, Tainan, and adopt their orchards. With the changing seasons, we were able to enjoy the sweetness of lychees harvested in June, then longans in August, mandarins in October, and oranges in December.

Farmers who use eco-friendly farming methods can be called the idealists of modern agriculture. They avoid the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, meaning that harvest quantity and quality face even greater risks. They also need to take care of water, soil and other resources and maintain the ecological environment. This translates into an orchard that requires more investments and efforts not to speak of the possibility that everything could be lost with no profit at all.

Collaborating with orchards like these is undoubtedly a thankless and highly risky task. When our employees are eating the fruits, however, apart from their sweet juiciness, they also experience a profound sense of thankfulness and esteem for the people and the land.

It is the urge to care for our planet that has made the partnership between Hermes-Epitek and Dongshan farmers so strong . There may be risks and difficulties, but we will support each other and share the burden together.

In addition to fruit farmers, Hermes-Epitek and the local farming community also have a unique relationship. Through the monitoring of news reports and data provided by the Agriculture and Food Agency, Hermes-Epitek tries to assist farmers by purchasing their otherwise unsaleable products at fair prices whenever there is a production surplus and prices drop dramatically.

Cabbages, bananas, dragon fruit, and onions. These fruits and vegetables purchased during their peak seasons are not only used as ingredients in the staff cafeteria, but can also be freely taken home by employees to be shared with their families. They can furthermore be donated to social welfare organizations, so that the sweet flavors and loving care behind their production can benefit our entire community.


Author / Poet