Nature Discovery: Becoming Iron Man of Life and Career

Over the past 10 years, nearly a thousand Hermes-Epitek colleagues have participated in the Iron Man Challenge that takes them up the mountain and into the sea.


In October 15, 2018, 15 of our colleagues successfully climbed 4 out of the 100 peaks of the Nanhu Mountain Range, known in Taiwan as the “King of the Mountains”.

In mid-November, 39 colleagues got on their bikes from northern to southern Taiwan, successfully challenging the Shouka Highway.

In late-November, 80 colleagues took off from Zhubei, Hsinchu to participate in a marathon.

Every autumn, Hermes-Epitek organizes the “Little Iron Man” event, the inspiration behind which came from one of the company’s core values: “Life”. We want to encourage our colleagues to enjoy life by going outdoors on weekends and holidays; exercise so that their lifestyle is refreshing and invigorating; take on challenges, so they can feel the rhythm of life; form partnerships, so that there is always someone to share joys and sorrows with; and achieve breakthroughs because only by doing so can they broaden their horizons. Life will become full and exciting as a result.

The high-intensity Iron Man challenge requires rigorous participation in a journey that is sometimes hundreds of kilometers long, spans across numerous days and is not a leisure activity that can be accomplished just by changing into gym clothes. It requires enough time, consistent physical training, strong mental resilience, as well as a healthy body. When the company supports such an event, it means that “Life” is not merely a slogan, but a true commitment.

Since we held the first Hermes-Epitek Little Iron Men in 2010, the tradition has continued to this day. Every year, the self-organized teams of employees will find partners with similar interests and organize a number of physical activities such as road running, mountain climbing or cycling. These events are company-funded upon application and approval.

Colleagues need to have enough time and the right conditions to prepare themselves. Those who were not used to cycling would be persuaded by their colleagues to ride around eastern Taiwan for their first trip. They would then go on subsequent trips until eventually gaining the ability to cycle around the whole island.

Some colleagues usually only walk around the park, but with the encouragement of their colleagues, they have hiked the Xueshan, Dabajian and Nanhu mountains. The difficulties of climbing the 100 Peaks of Taiwan have become an unforgettable experience for participants that they will cherish for life.

Our colleagues’ families and friends are also invited along; as they work out and sweat, they develop new hobbies, become familiar with one another, and get to know the beauties of Taiwan.

With each push of the pedal, the bicycle moves forward; with each step, the growing height of the mountain can be perceived. Looking down upon the earth, feeling the wind, the sound of breathing is rediscovered.

Working at Hermes-Epitek comes with the stress that is a part of the profession. The self-requirement of fulfilling every mission is accompanied by pressure. But a change of environment, going into nature, and transforming body and mind will enable our colleagues to accompany us down the road.

Working should not feel as if you were walking a tightrope, instead, it should reflect the sobriety and tranquility of a life lived in balance. Nature allows us to enjoy a beautiful life, a journey through which we can become real-life Iron Men.